To the Editor: Since the outbreak of coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) in December 2019, more than 200,000 health care workers from all over China have been participating in the fight against this highly contagious disease in Hubei province, which is the center of infection in China. Skin damage caused by enhanced infection-prevention measures among health care workers, which could reduce their enthusiasm for overloaded work and make them anxious, has been reported frequently. Previous studies have revealed that hand eczema is quite common in health care workers,1Skoet R. Olsen J. Mathiesen B. Iversen L. Johansen J.D. Agner T. A survey of occupational hand eczema in Denmark.Contact Dermatitis. 2004; 51: 159-166Crossref PubMed Scopus (185) Google Scholar,2Flyvholm M.A. Bach B. Rose M. Jepsen K.F. Self-reported hand eczema in a hospital population.Contact Dermatitis. 2007; 57: 110-115Crossref PubMed Scopus (87) Google Scholar and the risk factors include frequent hand hygiene and wearing gloves for a long time.3Hamnerius N. Svedman C. Bergendorff O. Bjork J. Bruze M. Ponten A. Wet work exposure and hand eczema among healthcare workers: a cross-sectional study.Br J Dermatol. 2018; 178: 452-461Crossref PubMed Scopus (104) Google Scholar,4Lee S.W. Cheong S.H. Byun J.Y. Choi Y.W. Choi H.Y. Occupational hand eczema among nursing staffs in Korea: self-reported hand eczema and contact sensitization of hospital nursing staffs.J Dermatol. 2013; 40: 182-187Crossref PubMed Scopus (34) Google Scholar Considering the frequent hand hygiene and long-time wearing of tertiary protective devices (N95 mask, goggles, face shield, and double layers of gloves) among health care workers during the epidemic period of COVID-19, we aimed to estimate the prevalence, clinical features, and risk factors of this skin damage among them. From January to February 2020, self-administered online questionnaires were distributed to 700 individuals, consisting of physicians and nurses who worked in the designated departments of tertiary hospitals in Hubei, China. The questionnaire included questions about the condition of skin damage and the frequency or duration of several infection-prevention measures (Supplemental Material 1, available via Mendeley at Finally, 542 individuals (Supplemental Material 2) completed the study (response rate, 77.4%), with 71.4% (387 of 542) working in isolation wards and 28.6% (155 of 542) working in fever clinics. The general prevalence rate of skin damage caused by enhanced infection-prevention measures was 97.0% (526 of 542) among first-line health care workers. The affected sites included the nasal bridge, hands, cheek, and forehead, with the nasal bridge the most commonly affected (83.1%). Among a series of symptoms and signs, dryness/tightness and desquamation were the most common symptom (70.3%) and sign (62.2%), respectively (Table I). The health care workers who wore some medical devices more than 6 hours had higher risks of skin damage in corresponding sites than those who did for less time (N95 masks: odds ratio [OR], 2.02; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.35-3.01; P < .01); goggles: OR, 2.32; 95% CI, 1.41-3.83, P < .01), whereas a longer time of wearing a face shield was not a significant risk factor in causing forehead skin damage (OR, 1.52; 95% CI, 0.93-2.50; P = .66). The more frequent (>10 times daily) hand hygiene could increase the risk of hand skin damage (OR, 2.17; 95% CI, 1.38-3.43; P < .01), rather than a longer time of wearing gloves (Table II).Table IClinical features of skin damage among first-line health care workersClinical features∗With overlaps.Participants with skin damage (N = 526), No. (%)Symptoms Dryness/tightness370 (70.3) Tenderness299 (56.8) Itching276 (52.5) Burning/pain200 (38.0)Skin lesions Desquamation327 (62.2) Erythema260 (49.4) Maceration210 (39.9) Fissure204 (38.8) Papule173 (32.9) Erosion and ulcer53 (10.1) Vesicle7 (1.3) Wheal2 (0.4)Site Nasal bridge437 (83.1) Cheek414 (78.7) Hands392 (74.5) Forehead301 (57.2)∗ With overlaps. Open table in a new tab Table IIThe association between skin damage and related exposure factorsInfection-preventive measuresParticipants, No.VariablesParticipants (N = 526), No. (%)Participants with skin damage in related sites, No. (%)OR95% CIPN95 mask542≤6 h/d225 (41.5)Cheek: 155 (68.9)1[Ref]>6 h/d317 (58.5)Cheek: 259 (81.7)2.021.35-3.01<.01Goggles451≤6 h/d186 (41.2)Nasal bridge: 141 (75.8)1[Ref]>6 h/d265 (58.8)Nasal bridge: 233 (87.9)2.321.41-3.83<.01Face shield265≤6 h/d108 (40.8)Forehead: 52 (48.1)1[Ref]>6 h/d157 (59.2)Forehead: 92 (58.6)1.520.93-2.50.66Gloves113∗These participants are limited to those who wore double layers of gloves and washed hands 1-10 times/d.≤6 h/d52 (46.0)Hands: 29 (55.8)1[Ref]>6 h/d61 (54.0)Hands: 39 (63.9)1.410.66-3.00.44321†These participants are limited to those who wore double layers of gloves and washed hands >10 times/d.≤6 h/d131 (40.8)Hands: 100 (76.3)1[Ref]>6 h/d190 (59.2)Hands: 146 (76.8)1.030.61-1.74>.99Hand hygiene434≤10 times/d113 (26.0)Hands: 68 (60.2)1[Ref]>10 times/d321 (74.0)Hands: 246 (76.6)2.171.38-3.43<.01CI, Confidence interval; OR, odds ratio; Ref, reference.∗ These participants are limited to those who wore double layers of gloves and washed hands 1-10 times/d.† These participants are limited to those who wore double layers of gloves and washed hands >10 times/d. Open table in a new tab CI, Confidence interval; OR, odds ratio; Ref, reference. Our study has some limitations. Firstly, we only studied 1 site with a single exposure factor, but some sites could be related to more than 1 factor. The nasal bridge, for example, could be compressed by the N95 mask and goggles simultaneously, although goggles were the main factor. Secondly, possible risk factors such as participants wearing the N95 mask after work in daily life were not included. In conclusion, our study demonstrated that the prevalence of skin damage of first-line health care workers was very high. Moreover, we found that longer exposure time was a significant risk factor, which highlights that the working time of first-line staff should be arranged reasonably. Besides, prophylactic dressings could be considered to alleviate the device-related pressure injuries, according to a prior study.5Bishopp A. Oakes A. Antoine-Pitterson P. Chakraborty B. Comer D. Mukherjee R. The preventative effect of hydrocolloid dressings on nasal bridge pressure ulceration in acute non-invasive ventilation.Ulster Med J. 2019; 88: 17-20PubMed Google Scholar We would like to thank Xiaoxu Yin from Tongji Medical College School of Public Health for his suggestions about this paper and the health care workers who participated in our study for their support of this paper. We especially want to express our deep respect to all first-line health care workers for their dedication in the fight against COVID-19. Dermatology practices as vectors for COVID-19 transmission: A call for immediate cessation of nonemergent dermatology visitsJournal of the American Academy of DermatologyVol. 82Issue 5PreviewFrom the Editors: As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, recommendations to healthcare providers will change based on availability of testing and personal protective equipment. For many patients, virtual visits can take the place of in-person visits, and we should do what we can to protect our older patients who are at greatest risk for adverse outcomes of infection. As tests become more widely available, there may be a role for testing prior to the visit for those who require a procedure that cannot be delayed. Full-Text PDF Occupational skin disease among health care workers during the coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemicJournal of the American Academy of DermatologyVol. 82Issue 5PreviewIn this issue of the JAAD, Lan et al1 report a high incidence of cutaneous complications related to prevention measures among health care workers treating patients with epidemic coronavirus (COVID-19) infection. It may be difficult to continue wearing protective gear in the face of cutaneous ulceration, and attempts to shift points of pressure and abrasion may reduce the effectiveness of the protective mask. Full-Text PDF Reply to: "Skin damage among health care workers managing coronavirus disease 2019"Journal of the American Academy of DermatologyVol. 83Issue 2PreviewTo the Editor: We were pleased to read the letter by Lan et al1 on the characteristics of skin damage caused by personal protective equipment (PPE) during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. They reported that 97.0% of health care workers (n = 526/546) experienced cutaneous adverse events because of PPE, commonly on the nasal bridge (83.1%) and cheeks (78.7%). Although mild and self-limited, damage to the skin should not be overlooked because it can lead to an increased risk of contracting COVID-19. Full-Text PDF Reply to: "Skin damage among health care workers managing coronavirus disease-2019"Journal of the American Academy of DermatologyVol. 82Issue 6PreviewTo the Editor: We read with interest the article "Skin damage among health care workers managing coronavirus disease-2019" written by Lan et al.1 Full-Text PDF Rational hand hygiene during the coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemicJournal of the American Academy of DermatologyVol. 82Issue 6PreviewTo the Editor: The enhanced preventive measures during the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic include proper hand hygiene. Health care workers (HCWs) may perform frequent handwashing with water and soap, leading to the potential complication of skin damage. In Lan et al's survey1 of 526 front-line COVID-19 HCWs, 74.5% reported damage to hand skin from enhanced infection prevention measures. HCWs who washed their hands more than 10 times per day reported more damage to hand skin (odds ratio, 2.17). Full-Text PDF Behavioral considerations and impact on personal protective equipment use: Early lessons from the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemicJournal of the American Academy of DermatologyVol. 82Issue 5PreviewIn this issue of the JAAD, Lan et al1 provide preliminary data on the prevalence of cutaneous irritation associated with using personal protective equipment (PPE) by health care workers (HCWs) during the early months of the coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak in Wuhan, China. The authors highlight the high prevalence of cutaneous irritation associated with N95 mask and goggle use—echoing previous reports highlighting cutaneous adverse events associated with PPE use for severe acute respiratory syndrome2—and their data suggest that increased duration of PPE use may be associated with an increased risk of cutaneous irritation. Full-Text PDF