Pyramidal cells in layer 5 of the neocortex have two distinct integration sites. These cells integrate inputs to basal dendrites in the soma while integrating inputs to the tuft in a site at the top of the apical trunk. The two sites communicate by action potentials that backpropagate to the apical site and by backpropagation-activated calcium spikes (BAC firing) that travel from the apical to the somatic site. Six key messages arise from the probabilistic information-theoretic analyses of BAC firing presented here. First, we suggest that pyramidal neurons with BAC firing could convert the odds in favour of the presence of a feature given the basal data into the odds in favour of the presence of a feature given the basal data and the apical input, by a simple Bayesian calculation. Second, the strength of the cell’s response to basal input can be amplified when relevant to the current context, as specified by the apical input, without corrupting the message that it sends. Third, these analyses show rigorously how this apical amplification depends upon communication between the sites. Fourth, we use data on action potentials from a very detailed multi-compartmental biophysical model to study our general model in a more realistic setting, and demonstrate that it describes the data well. Fifth, this form of BAC firing meets criteria for distinguishing modulatory from driving interactions that have been specified using recent definitions of multivariate mutual information. Sixth, our general decomposition can be extended to cases where, instead of being purely driving or purely amplifying, apical and basal inputs can be partly driving and partly amplifying to various extents. These conclusions imply that an advance beyond the assumption of a single site of integration within pyramidal cells is needed, and suggest that the evolutionary success of neocortex may depend upon the cellular mechanisms of context-sensitive selective amplification hypothesized here.Author summary The cerebral cortex has a key role in conscious perception, thought, and action, and is predominantly composed of a particular kind of neuron: the pyramidal cells. The distinct shape of the pyramidal neuron with a long dendritic shaft separating two regions of profuse dendrites allows them to integrate inputs to the two regions separately and combine the results non-linearly to produce output. Here we show how inputs to this more distant site strengthen the cell’s output when it is relevant to the current task and environment. By showing that such neurons have capabilities that transcend those of neurons with the single site of integration assumed by many neuroscientists, this ‘splitting of the neuronal atom’ offers a radically new viewpoint from which to understand the evolution of the cortex and some of its many pathologies. This also suggests that approaches to artificial intelligence using neural networks might come closer to something analogous to real intelligence, if, instead of basing them on processing elements with a single site of integration, they were based on elements with two sites, as in cortex.