Single-molecule fluorescence techniques1,2,3 are key for a number of applications, including DNA sequencing4,5, molecular and cell biology6,7 and early diagnosis8. Unfortunately, observation of single molecules by diffraction-limited optics is restricted to detection volumes in the femtolitre range and requires pico- or nanomolar concentrations, far below the micromolar range where most biological reactions occur2. This limitation can be overcome using plasmonic nanostructures, which enable the confinement of light down to nanoscale volumes9,10,11,12,13. Although these nanoantennas enhance fluorescence brightness14,15,16,17,18,19,20, large background signals20,21,22 and/or unspecific binding to the metallic surface23,24,25 have hampered the detection of individual fluorescent molecules in solution at high concentrations. Here we introduce a novel ‘antenna-in-box’ platform that is based on a gap-antenna inside a nanoaperture. This design combines fluorescent signal enhancement and background screening, offering high single-molecule sensitivity (fluorescence enhancement up to 1,100-fold and microsecond transit times) at micromolar sample concentrations and zeptolitre-range detection volumes. The antenna-in-box device can be optimized for single-molecule fluorescence studies at physiologically relevant concentrations, as we demonstrate using various biomolecules. A plasmonic nanoantenna enables a thousand fold-enhanced fluorescence brightness allowing single-molecule analysis to be carried out in a zeptolitre volume at physiological concentrations.