Genetically-encoded calcium ion (Ca2+) indicators (GECIs) are indispensable tools for measuring Ca2+ dynamics and neuronal activities in vitro and in vivo. Red fluorescent protein (RFP)-based GECIs enable multicolor visualization with blue or cyan-excitable fluorophores and combined use with blue or cyan-excitable optogenetic actuators. Here we report the development, structure, and validation of a new red fluorescent Ca2+ indicator, K-GECO1, based on a circularly permutated RFP derived from the sea anemone Entacmaea quadricolor. We characterized the performance of K-GECO1 in cultured HeLa cells, dissociated neurons, stem cell derived cardiomyocytes, organotypic brain slices, zebrafish spinal cord in vivo, and mouse brain in vivo.