We reformulate the scattering amplitudes of 4D flat space gauge theory andgravity in the language of a 2D CFT on the celestial sphere. The resulting CFTstructure exhibits an OPE constructed from 4D collinear singularities, as wellas infinite-dimensional Kac-Moody and Virasoro algebras encoding the asymptoticsymmetries of 4D flat space. We derive these results by recasting 4D dynamicsin terms of a convenient foliation of flat space into 3D Euclidean AdS andLorentzian dS geometries. Tree-level scattering amplitudes take the form ofWitten diagrams for a continuum of (A)dS modes, which are in turn equivalent toCFT correlators via the (A)dS/CFT dictionary. The Ward identities for the 2Dconserved currents are dual to 4D soft theorems, while the bulk-boundarypropagators of massless (A)dS modes are superpositions of the leading andsubleading Weinberg soft factors of gauge theory and gravity. In general, themassless (A)dS modes are 3D Chern-Simons gauge fields describing the soft,single helicity sectors of 4D gauge theory and gravity. Consistent with thetopological nature of Chern-Simons theory, Aharonov-Bohm effects record the"tracks" of hard particles in the soft radiation, leading to a simplecharacterization of gauge and gravitational memories. Soft particle exchangesbetween hard processes define the Kac-Moody level and Virasoro central charge,which are thereby related to the 4D gauge coupling and gravitational strengthin units of an infrared cutoff. Finally, we discuss a toy model for black holehorizons via a restriction to the Rindler region.