Drug allergy labels are critical for ensuring patient safety; however, unverified labels established without a rigorous diagnostic process can lead to suboptimal medication use, treatment failures, increased adverse drug reactions, and higher healthcare costs. In particular, unconfirmed penicillin allergy labels are strongly linked to the inappropriate use of broad-spectrum antibiotics, contributing to the rise of multidrug-resistant infections. The process of drug allergy delabeling enables many patients to safely use the medication in question, thereby facilitating the appropriate use of antibiotics and reducing unnecessary avoidance. Such delabeling is particularly vital as part of antimicrobial stewardship programs, as it enhances patient outcomes while decreasing healthcare expenses. Moving forward, the development of standardized procedures, enhanced awareness among patients and healthcare providers, and the implementation of validated risk-stratification methods is essential for more accurate and efficient drug allergy delabeling. These advancements will help mitigate the adverse effects of inaccurate labels and support optimal patient care.