Background: Infertility affects 15% of couples worldwide, with 40-50% of cases attributed to unhealthy lifestyle factors in men, such as smoking, alcohol consumption, drug use, obesity,poordietaryhabits,coffeeintake,andpsychologicalstress.Smokinghasanegative impactonreproductivehealthandreducesthechancesofhavingchildren.Smokingleadsto oxidative stress, lowers antioxidant levels in the testes, thereby disrupting spermatozoa formation. The antioxidant content in pineapple is expected to prevent and repair damage caused by oxidative stress. Objective: To investigate the effects of pineapple juice administration on sperm viability in Wistar rats exposed to cigarette smoke. Methods: Anexperimentalstudywasconductedwithapost-testonlygroupdesigninvolving 25maleWistarratsdividedinto5groups:K(notreatment),K+(exposuretocigarettesmoke only),T1(exposuretocigarettesmokeand1mlofpineapplejuiceperday),T2(exposureto cigarettesmokeand2.5mlofpineapplejuiceperday),andT3(exposuretocigarettesmoke and 4 ml of pineapple juice per day). All groups received treatment for 28 days. Results: ThemeanpercentageofspermatozoaviabilityinWistarratswasK=90.00;K(+)= 76.80; T1 = 76.80; T2 = 89.20; T3 = 93.40. Significant differences were observed between groupsKandK+andT1,withrespectivep-valuesof0.005.Significantdifferenceswerealso found between groups K+ and T2 (p = 0.008) and T3 (p = 0.001), while no significant difference was observed in group T1 (p = 1.000). Furthermore, there were significant differencesbetweengroupsT1andT2(p=0.008)andT3(p=0.001).Finally,nosignificant difference was found between groups T2 and T3 (p = 0.331). Conclusion and Recommendations: Pineapple juice can prevent and inhibit spermatozoa damage caused by free radicals from cigarette smoke. Further research should measure oxidative stress, provide exposure to each rat, and use varying doses for optimal effectiveness