Climate science has focused on reducing emissions of atmospheric CH4 from paddy soils, as CH4 has stronger infrared absorption characteristics than CO2. Like cable bacteria, artificial electron snorkels (made of solid graphite rods) have been proposed in this study to provide potential remote electron acceptors for soil anaerobic metabolism to compete with methanogenic processes. A systematic investigation was conducted on the modulation of the CH4 emission dynamics by electron snorkels at different densities, as well as the associated metabolism of C/N/Fe in paddy soil. During 124 days of operation, the electron snorkels suppressed CH4 emissions by 7–31% over ten sampling periods, and the high-density setting exhibited stronger performance. The electron snorkels accelerated the early mineralization of soil organic matter, increasing the content of dissolved organic matter by 20–236%. These organics were utilized by microorganisms, where O2, NO3−, and Fe3+ acted as electron acceptors, enhancing soil alternative respiration and producing CO2. Metagenomic and 16S rRNA gene sequencing revealed that microbial abundance and diversity were increased by 4–71% in the soil bottom layer (7 cm–8 cm depth) driven by electron snorkels. Moreover, electron snorkels potentially prevented CH4 escape by either improving soil permeability or electrically stimulating the abundance of methanotrophs (e.g., Methylocystis). The ratio of methanogenic to methane-oxidizing gene abundances was reduced by 22–66% under the electron snorkels. Our results indicate that the applied electron snorkels have significant potential in enriching the soil microbial community involved in methane cycling to mitigate CH4 emissions from paddy fields.