No AccessJournal of UrologyUrologic diseases in America Project1 May 2007Male Urethral Stricture Disease Richard A. Santucci, Geoffrey F. Joyce, and Matthew Wise Richard A. SantucciRichard A. Santucci Financial interest and/or other relationship with Pfizer and BI. More articles by this author , Geoffrey F. JoyceGeoffrey F. Joyce More articles by this author , and Matthew WiseMatthew Wise More articles by this author View All Author Information TextPDF ToolsAdd to favoritesDownload CitationsTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints ShareFacebookLinked InTwitterEmail Abstract Purpose: The incidence of urethral stricture disease in the United States is unknown. We estimated the impact of urethral stricture disease by determining its prevalence, costs and other measures of burden, including side effects and the need for surgical intervention. Materials and Methods: Analyses of services for urethral stricture disease were performed in 10 public and private data sets by epidemiological, biostatistical and clinical experts. Results: Male urethral stricture disease occurred at a rate as high as 0.6% in some susceptible populations and resulted in more than 5,000 inpatient visits yearly. Yearly office visits for urethral stricture numbered almost 1.5 million between 1992 and 2000. The total cost of urethral stricture diseases in 2000 was almost $200 million, not including medication costs. A diagnosis of urethral stricture increased health care expenditures by more than $6,000 per individual yearly in insured populations after controlling for comorbidities. Urethral stricture disease appeared to be more common in the elderly population and in black patients, as measured by health care use. In most data sets services provided for urethral stricture disease decreased with time. Patients with urethral stricture disease appeared to have a high rate of urinary tract infection (41%) and incontinence (11%). Conclusions: Despite decreasing rates of urethral strictures with time the burden of urethral stricture disease is still significant, resulting in hundreds of millions of dollars spent and hundreds of thousands of caregiver visits yearly. References 1 : Complications of the lower urinary tract secondary to urethral stenosis. Actas Urol Esp1996; 20: 786. Google Scholar 2 : Male urethral stenosis: review of complications. Arch Esp Urol2004; 57: 485. Google Scholar 3 : Penile-perineal-scrotal gangrene. Epidemiologic, diagnostic, and therapeutic features. Report of 32 cases. Prog Urol2000; 10: 271. Google Scholar 4 : The impact of optical urethrotomy on the management of urethral strictures. Br J Urol1983; 55: 705. Google Scholar 5 : The treatment of urethral stricture disease by internal urethrotomy: a clinical review. J Urol1979; 121: 45. 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Volume 177Issue 5May 2007Page: 1667-1674 Advertisement Copyright & Permissions© 2007 by American Urological AssociationKeywordshealth care costsurethraepidemiologyurethral stricturedemographyMetricsAuthor Information Richard A. Santucci Financial interest and/or other relationship with Pfizer and BI. More articles by this author Geoffrey F. Joyce More articles by this author Matthew Wise More articles by this author Expand All Advertisement PDF downloadLoading ...