Motivated by AdS/CFT, we address the following outstanding question in large$N$ conformal field theory: given the appearance of a single-trace operator inthe ${\cal O}\times{\cal O}$ OPE of a scalar primary ${\cal O}$, what is itstotal contribution to the vacuum four-point function $\langle {\cal O}{\calO}{\cal O}{\cal O}\rangle$ as dictated by crossing symmetry? We solve thisproblem in 4d conformal field theories at leading order in $1/N$. Viewedholographically, this provides a field theory reconstruction ofcrossing-symmetric, four-point exchange amplitudes in AdS$_5$. Our solutiontakes the form of a resummation of the large spin solution to the crossingequations, supplemented by corrections at finite spin, required by crossing.The method can be applied to the exchange of operators of arbitrary twist$\tau$ and spin $s$, although it vastly simplifies for even-integer twist,where we give explicit results. The output is the set of OPE data for theexchange of all double-trace operators $[{\cal O}{\cal O}]_{n,\ell}$. We findthat the double-trace anomalous dimensions $\gamma_{n,\ell}$ are negative,monotonic and convex functions of $\ell$, for all $n$ and all $\ell>s$. Thisconstitutes a holographic signature of bulk causality and classical dynamics ofeven-spin fields. We also find that the "derivative relation" betweendouble-trace anomalous dimensions and OPE coefficients does not hold ingeneral, and derive the explicit form of the deviation in several cases.Finally, we study large $n$ limits of $\gamma_{n,\ell}$, relevant for the Reggeand bulk-point regimes.