Based on 58 SLACS strong-lens early-type galaxies (ETGs) with direct total-mass and stellar-velocity dispersion measurements, we find that inside one effective radius massive elliptical galaxies with Meff ≳ 3 × 1010 M☉ are well approximated by a power-law ellipsoid, with an average logarithmic density slope of 〈γ'LD〉 ≡ −dlog(ρtot)/dlog(r) = 2.085+0.025−0.018 (random error on mean) for isotropic orbits with βr = 0, ±0.1 (syst.) and intrinsic scatter (all errors indicate the 68% CL). We find no correlation of γ'LD with galaxy mass (Meff), rescaled radius (i.e., Reinst/Reff) or redshift, despite intrinsic differences in density-slope between galaxies. Based on scaling relations, the average logarithmic density slope can be derived in an alternative manner, fully independent from dynamics, yielding 〈γ'SR〉 = 1.959 ± 0.077. Agreement between the two values is reached for 〈βr〉 = 0.45 ± 0.25, consistent with mild radial anisotropy. This agreement supports the robustness of our results, despite the increase in mass-to-light ratio with total galaxy mass: Meff ∝ L1.363±0.056V,eff. We conclude that massive ETGs are structurally close to homologous with close to isothermal total density profiles (≲10% intrinsic scatter) and have at most some mild radial anisotropy. Our results provide new observational limits on galaxy formation and evolution scenarios, covering 4 Gyr look-back time.