Let $\hat{\frak g}$ be an untwisted affine Kac-Moody algebra. The quantumgroup $U_h(\hat{\frak g})$ (over $\mathbb{C}[[h]]$) is known to be aquasitriangular Hopf algebra: in particular, it has a universal $ R $--matrix,which yields an $ R $--matrix for each pair of representations of$U_h(\hat{\frak g})$. On the other hand, the quantum group $U_q(\hat{\frak g})$(over $\mathbb{C}(q) $) also has an $ R $--matrix for each pair ofrepresentations, but it has not a universal $ R $--matrix so that one cannotsay that it is quasitriangular. Following Reshetikin, one introduces the(weaker) notion of braided Hopf algebra: then $ U_q(\hat{\frak g})$ is abraided Hopf algebra. In this work we prove that also the unrestricted specializations of$U_q(\hat{\frak g})$ at roots of 1 are braided: in particular, specializing $q$at 1 we have that the function algebra $F \big[ \hat{H} \big]$ of the Poissonproalgebraic group $\hat{H}$ dual of $\hat{G}$ (a Kac-Moody group with Liealgebra $\hat{\frak g} \,$) is braided. This is useful because, despite thesespecialized quantum groups are not quasitriangular, the braiding is enough forapplications, mainly for producing knot invariants. As an example, the actionof the $ R $--matrix on (tensor products of) Verma modules can be specializedat odd roots of 1.