Maternal pre-pregnancy BMI influences the associations between bisphenol and phthalate exposures and maternal weight changes and fat accumulation
Nathalie Irvine,
Rhonda BellFatheema Subhan,
Catherine Field,
Jiaying Liu,
Amy MacDonald,
David Kinniburgh,
Jonathan Martin,
Deborah Dewey,
Gillian England-Mason,
Bonnie Kaplan,
François Bernier,
Marja Cantell,
Linda Casey,
Michael Eliasziw,
Anna Farmer,
Lisa Gagnon,
Gerald Giesbrecht,
L. Goonewardene,
David Johnston,
Libbe Kooistra,
Nicole Létourneau,
Donna Manca,
Linda McCargar,
Maeve O’Beirne,
Victor Pop,
Andrea Deane,
Nalini Singhal,
Laura Talbott,
Gordon Giesbrecht,
Catherine Lebel,
Brenda Leung,
Carly McMorris,
K. Ross,
Ann‐Marie Deane +33 authors
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