Cartography of opportunistic pathogens and antibiotic resistance genes in a tertiary hospital environment
Kern Chng,
Chenhao LiDenis Bertrand,
Amanda Ng,
Junmei Kwah,
Hwee Low,
Chengxuan Tong,
Maanasa Natrajan,
Michael Zhang,
Licheng Xu,
Karrie Ko,
Eliza Ho,
Tamar Av-Shalom,
Jeanette Teo,
Chiea Khor,
MetaSUB Consortium,
Swaine Chen,
Christopher Mason,
Tek Oon,
Kalisvar Marimuthu,
Brenda Ang,
Niranjan Nagarajan,
Tamar Av‐Shalom +21 authors
Francesca Filippis Tip Tip