Loss of cell junctional components and matrix alterations drive cell desquamation and fibrotic changes in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
Rachana Chandran,
Preethi VijayarajRolando Garcia‐Milian,
John King,
Kristen Castillo,
Chongyu Liang,
Yumi Kwon,
S William,
Tammy Rickabaugh,
Justin Langerman,
Woosuk Choi,
Chandani Sen,
J.E. Lever,
Qian Li,
Nikoleta Pavelková,
Erin Plosa,
Steven Rowe,
Kathrin Plath,
Géremy Clair,
Brigitte Gomperts,
Rolando García-Milián +19 authors
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