Transfusion independence and HMGA2 activation after gene therapy of human β-thalassaemia
Marina Cavazzana,
Emmanuel PayenOlivier Nègre,
Gary Wang,
Kathleen Hehir,
Floriane Fusil,
Julian Down,
Maria Denaro,
Troy Brady,
Karen Westerman,
Resy Cavallesco,
Béatrix Gillet-Legrand,
Laure Caccavelli,
Riccardo Sgarra,
Leı̈la Maouche-Chrétien,
Françoise Bernaudin,
Robert Girot,
Ronald Dorazio,
Geert-Jan Mulder,
Axel Polack,
Arthur Bank,
Jean Soulier,
Jérôme Larghero,
Nabil Kabbara,
B Dalle,
Bernard Gourmel,
Gèrard Socié,
Stany Chrétien,
Nathalie Cartier,
Patrick Aubourg,
Alain Fischer,
Kenneth Cornetta,
F. Galactéros,
Yves Beuzard,
Éliane Gluckman,
Frederic Bushman,
Salima Hacein‐Bey‐Abina,
Philippe Leboulch +36 authors
Frédéric Galactéros Tip Tip