A $b$-ghost was constructed for the $D=11$ non-minimal pure spinorsuperparticle by requiring that $\{Q , b\} = T$ where $Q =\Lambda^{\alpha}D_{\alpha} + R^{\alpha}\bar{W}_{\alpha}$ is the usualnon-minimal pure spinor BRST operator. As was done for the $D=10$ $b$-ghost, wewill show that the $D=11$ $b$-ghost can be simplified by introducing an$SO(10,1)$ fermionic vector $\bar{\Sigma}^{i}$ constructed out of the fermionicspinor $D_{\alpha}$ and pure spinor variables. This simplified version will beshown to satisfy $\{Q, b\} = T$ and $\{b , b\} =$ BRST - trivial.