Summary Motility is seen across all domains of life 1 . Prokaryotes exhibit various types of motilities, such as gliding, swimming, and twitching, driven by supramolecular motility machinery composed of multiple different proteins 2 . In archaea only swimming motility is reported, driven by the archaellum (archaeal flagellum), a reversible rotary motor consisting of a torque-generating motor and a helical filament which acts as a propeller 3,4 . Unlike the bacterial flagellar motor (BFM), adenosine triphosphate (ATP) hydrolysis probably drives both motor rotation and filamentous assembly in the archaellum 5,6 . However, direct evidence is still lacking due to the lack of a versatile model system. Here we present a membrane-permeabilized ghost system that enables the manipulation of intracellular contents, analogous to the triton model in eukaryotic flagella 7 and gliding Mycoplasma 8,9 . We observed high nucleotide selectivity for ATP driving motor rotation, negative cooperativity in ATP hydrolysis and the energetic requirement for at least 12 ATP molecules to be hydrolyzed per revolution of the motor. The response regulator CheY increased motor switching from counterclockwise (CCW) to clockwise (CW) rotation, which is the opposite of a previous report 10 . Finally, we constructed the torque-speed curve at various [ATP]s and discuss rotary models in which the archaellum has characteristics of both the BFM and F 1 -ATPase. Because archaea share similar cell division and chemotaxis machinery with other domains of life 11,12 , our ghost model will be an important tool for the exploration of the universality, diversity, and evolution of biomolecular machinery.