A new rapid method for fractionation of crude synaptosomes (postmitochondrial pellet, P2) on a discontinuous 4-step Percoll gradient is described. The homogeneity and integrity of the 5 major subcellular fractions were determined by analysis of the distribution of protein, lactate dehydrogenase, cytochrome oxidase, pyruvate dehydrogenase, synapsin I (a synaptic vesicle marker) and the myelin basic proteins. The biochemical results were substantiated by quantitative electron microscopy. Fractions 3, 4 and 5 were enriched in synaptosomes and contained 19.7, 40.6 and 19.5% of the intact, identifiable synaptosomes in P2, respectively. Fraction 1 was enriched in membranous material, fraction 2 in myelin and fraction 5 in extrasynaptosomal mitochondria. The synaptosomes in fractions 3, 4 and 5 differed in their size, and their content of mitochondria, synapsin I and neurotransmitters. These results suggest that partial separation of different pools of synaptosomes has been achieved. The synaptosomes in fractions 3, 4 and 5 are viable, as they take up calcium, phosphate and noradrenaline; they are metabolically normal as judged by their ability to perform protein phosphorylation and they respond normally to depolarization by increasing calcium uptake, protein phosphorylation and neurotransmitter release. The synaptosomes in fraction 4 are relatively homogeneous and appear to be free of contamination from lysed synaptosomes and synaptic plasma membranes. This constitutes a major advantage of the Percoll method over traditional procedures which involve centrifugation to equilibrium. We have therefore confirmed (J. Neurochem., 43 (1984) 1114–1123) the advantages of Percoll use over traditional procedures, while further reducing the time taken, and extended our analysis to show that the present procedure provides a fractionation of synaptosomes into different pools of viable synaptosomes.