Reward-guided behaviors require functional interaction between amygdala, orbital (OFC), and medial (MFC) divisions of prefrontal cortex, but the neural mechanisms underlying these interactions are unclear. Here, we used a decoding approach to analyze local field potentials (LFPs) recorded from OFC and MFC of monkeys engaged in a stimulus-choice task, before and after excitotoxic amygdala lesions. Whereas OFC LFP responses were strongly modulated by the amount of reward associated with each stimulus, MFC responses best represented which stimulus subjects decided to choose. This was counter to what we observed in the level of single neurons where their activity was closely associated with the value of the stimuli presented on each trial. After lesions of the amygdala, stimulus-reward value and choice encoding were reduced in OFC and MFC, respectively. However, while the lesion-induced decrease in OFC LFP encoding of stimulus-reward value mirrored changes in single neuron activity, reduced choice encoding in MFC LFPs was distinct from changes in single neuron activity. Thus, LFPs and single neurons represent different information required for decision-making in OFC and MFC. At the circuit-level, amygdala input to these two areas play a distinct role in stimulus-reward encoding in OFC and choice encoding in MFC.