Spatially selective firing in the forms of place cells, grid cells, border cells and head direction cells are basic building blocks of a canonical spatial circuit centered on the hippocampal-entorhinal complex. While head direction cells can be found throughout the brain, spatial tuning outside of the parahippocampal regions are often non-specific or conjunctive to other representations such as a reward. While the precise mechanism of spatially selective activities is not understood, various studies show sensory inputs (particularly vision) heavily modulate spatial representation in the hippocampal-entorhinal circuit. To better understand the contribution from other sensory inputs in shaping spatial representation in the brain, we recorded from the hindlimb region of the primary somatosensory cortex (S1HL) in foraging rats. To our surprise, we were able to identify the full complement of spatial activity patterns reported in the hippocampal-entorhinal circuit, namely, place cells, head direction cells, boundary vector/border cells, grid cells and conjunctive cells. This novel finding supports the hypothesis that location information is necessary for body representation in the S1, and may be analogous to spatially tuned representations in the motor cortex relating to the movement of body parts. Our findings are transformative in our understanding of how spatial information is used and utilized in the brain, as well as functional operations of the S1 in the context of rehabilitation with brain-machine interfaces.