There are many indications that ordinary matter represents only a tinyfraction of the matter content of the Universe, with the remainder assumed toconsist of some different type of matter, which, for various reasons must benonluminous (dark matter). Among these indications are the inflationaryscenarios which predicts that the average energy density of the Universecoincides with the so called critical value (for which the expansion neverstops but the rate of expansion approaches zero at very late times). At thesame time it is known (from the predictions of Big Bang nucleosynthesis on theabundances of the light elements, other than Helium) that the baryonic energydensity (ordinary matter) must represent ($1.5\pm 0.5)h^{-2}$ \% (where $h$ isthe Hubble constant in units of 100 km s$^{-1}$Mpc$^{-1}$) of this criticalvalue \cite{Copi,OstStein}. We present here evidence supporting the model inwhich the rest of the energy density corresponds to a scalar field, which canbe observed, however indirectly, in the oscillation of the effectivegravitational constant, and manifests itself in the known periodicity of thenumber distribution of galaxies \cite{Broad,Szalay}. We analyze this modelnumerically and show that, the requirement that the model satisfy the bounds oflight element abundances in the Universe, as predicted by Big Bangnucleosynthesis, yields a specific value for the red-shift-galactic-countoscillation amplitude compatible with that required to explain the oscillationsdescribed above \cite{hill,CritStein}, and, furthermore, yields a value for theage of the Universe compatible with standard bounds \cite{OstStein}.