Summary Ustilago maydis is a biotrophic pathogen causing smut disease in maize. It secretes a cocktail of effector proteins, which target different host proteins during its biotrophic stages in the host plant. One such class of proteins we identified previously is TOPLESS (TPL) and TOPLESS‐RELATED (TPR) transcriptional corepressors. Here, we screened 297 U. maydis effector candidates for their ability to interact with maize TPL protein RAMOSA 1 ENHANCER LOCUS 2 LIKE 2 (RELK2) and their ability to induce auxin signaling and thereby identified three novel TPL‐interacting protein effectors (Tip6, Tip7, and Tip8). Structural modeling and mutational analysis allowed the identification of TPL‐interaction motifs of Tip6 and Tip7. In planta interaction between Tip6 and Tip7 with RELK2 occurs mainly in nuclear compartments, whereas Tip8 colocalizes with RELK2 in a compartment outside the nucleus. Overexpression of Tip8 in nonhost plants leads to cell death, indicating recognition of the effector or its activity. By performing infection assays with single and multideletion mutants of U. maydis , we demonstrate a positive role of Tip6 and Tip7 in U. maydis virulence. Transcriptional profiling of maize leaves infected with Tip effector mutants in comparison with SG200 strain suggests Tip effector activities are not merely redundant.