The Gal4/upstream activating sequence(UAS) system, a well-known genetic tool, has been widely used to analyze gene function in many organisms, including the silkworm ( Bombyx mori ), a model lepidopteran insect. Several studies have suggested that Gal4 protein activation in tissues can negatively affect transgenic individuals; however, whether and to what extent the Gal4 protein affects normal endogenous gene expression have rarely been studied. Here, we analyzed the transcriptomes of transgenic silkworms expressing the Gal4 protein at high levels in both the wing disc (WD) and epidermis (EP) and investigated gene expression changes in both tissues. Overall, 24,593 genes were identified in the WD and EP libraries, and 2,025 and 2,488 were identified as significant differentially expressed genes(DEGs) in the WD and EP between the transgenic and control groups, respectively. These DEGs were further annotated by gene function classification and pathway assessment using public databases. In addition, 506 DEGs were shared (common) between both tissues. Of these, 97 genes were commonly upregulated, and 234 were commonly downregulated; many of them were annotated to be involved in metabolic processes such as “fat digestion and absorption”, “glycine, serine and threonine metabolism” and “glutathione metabolism” and in signal transduction pathways such as the “Rap1 signaling pathway”, “MAPK signaling pathway” and “Hippo signaling pathway”. Overall, this work enhances understanding of the effects of transgenic Gal4 protein expression on normal gene expression in silkworm tissues and suggests that researchers should pay attention to unexpected effects when using the Gal4/UAS system to study gene function.