Abstract The formation and recovery of gaps in the vascular endothelium governs a wide range of physiological and pathological phenomena, from angiogenesis to atherosclerosis and tumor cell extravasation. However, the interplay between the mechanical and signaling processes that drive dynamic behavior in vascular endothelial cells is not well understood. In this study, we propose a chemo-mechanical model to investigate the maintenance of endothelial junctions as dependent on the crosstalk between actomyosin contractility, VE-cadherin bond turnover, and actin polymerization, which mediate the forces exerted on the cell-cell interface. Our theoretical model reveals that active cell tension can stabilize cadherin bonds within an adhesion, but excessive RhoA signaling can drive bond dissociation and junction failure. While Rac1-mediated actin polymerization aids gap closure, high levels of Rac1 may also facilitate junction weakening. Combining the modeling framework with novel experiments, we identify how dynamic rupture and heal cycles emerge and, further, describe why gaps tend to localize at multi-cell contacts. Beyond, our analysis also indicates that a critical balance between RhoA and Rac1 expression is required to maintain junction stability and limit endothelial dysfunction. The model predicts how pharmacological modulation of actin polymerization and cell contractility impacts junction stability, with predictions subsequently validated experimentally. Our proposed framework can help guide the development of therapeutics that target the Rho family of GTPases and downstream active mechanical processes.