Linking sensory-evoked traveling waves to underlying circuit patterns is critical to understanding the neural basis of sensory perception. To form this link, we performed simultaneous electrophysiology and two-photon calcium imaging through transparent NeuroGrids and mapped touch-evoked cortical traveling waves and their underlying microcircuit dynamics. In awake mice, both passive and active whisker touch elicited traveling waves within and across barrels, with a fast early component followed by a variable late wave that lasted hundreds of milliseconds post-stimulus. Strikingly, late-wave dynamics were modulated by stimulus value and correlated with task performance. Mechanistically, the late wave component was i) modulated by motor feedback, ii) complemented by a sparse ensemble pattern across layer 2/3, which a balanced-state network model reconciled via inhibitory stabilization, and iii) aligned to regenerative Layer-5 apical dendritic Ca