Background: Retroperitoneal sarcomas (RPS) are rare tumors composed of several well defined histologic subtypes. The aim of this study was to analyze patterns of recurrence and treatment variations in a large population of patients, treated at reference centers. Methods: All consecutive patients with primary RPS treated at 6 European and 2 North American institutions between January 2002 and December 2011 were included. Five, 8, and 10-year overall survival (OS) and crude cumulative incidence (CCI) of local recurrence (LR) and distant metastasis (DM) were calculated. Multivariate analyses for OS, CCI of LR, and DM were performed. Results: In all, 1007 patients were included. Median follow-up was 58 months (first and third quartile range 36–90). The 5, 8, and 10-year OS were 67% [95% confidence interval (CI), 63, 70), 56% (95% CI, 52, 61), and 46% (95% CI, 40, 53). The 5, 8, and 10-year CCI of LR and DM were 25.9 (95% CI, 23.1, 29.1), 31.3 (95% CI, 27.8, 35.1), 35% (95% CI, 30.5, 40.1), and 21% (95% CI, 18.4, 23.8%), 21.6 (95% CI, 19.0, 24.6), and 21.6 (95% CI, 19.0, 24.6), respectively. Tumour size, histologic subtype, malignancy grade, multifocality, and completeness of resection were significant predictors of outcome. Patterns of recurrence varied depending on histologic subtype. Different treatment policies at participating institutions influenced LR of well differentiated liposarcoma without impacting OS, whereas discrepancies in adjuvant systemic therapies did not impact LR, DM, or OS of leiomyosarcoma. Conclusions: Reference centers are critical to outcomes of RPS patients, as the management strategy requires specific expertise. Histologic subtype predicts patterns of recurrence and should inform management decision. A prospective international registry is under preparation, to further define our understanding of this disease.