In Two-Higgs-Doublet models, the conditions for CP violation can be expressedin terms of invariants under U(2) rotations among the two SU(2) Higgs doubletfields. In order to design a strategy for measuring the invariants we expressthem in terms of observables, i.e., masses and couplings of scalar bosons. Wefind amplitudes directly sensitive to the invariants. Observation of theStandard-Model-like Higgs boson at the LHC severely constrains the models. Inparticular, in the model with Z_2 symmetry imposed on dimension-4 terms (inorder to eliminate tree-level flavour-changing neutral currents), CP violationis strongly suppressed. On the other hand, the most general Two-Higgs-Doubletmodel (without Z_2 symmetry) would still allow for CP violation to be presentin the model, without being in conflict with the LHC data. Consequently, alsoflavour-changing neutral currents would in general be expected. We brieflysketch a strategy for measuring the remaining CP violation.