Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease (SCTLD) has caused widespread coral mortality in the Caribbean Region. However, how the disease presence alters the microbiome community, their structure, composition, and metabolic functionality is still poorly understood. In this study, we characterized the microbial communities of the tissues of apparently healthy and diseased SCTLD colonies of the species Siderastrea siderea , Orbicella faveolata , and Montastraea cavernosa to explore putative changes related to the presence of SCTLD. Gammaproteobacteria , Alphaproteobacteria , and Bacteroidia were the best represented classes in the healthy tissues of all coral species, and alpha diversity did not show significant differences among the species. The microbial community structure between coral species was significantly different (PERMANOVA: F = 3.46, p = 0.001), and enriched genera were detected for each species: Vibrio and Photobacterium in S . siderea , Spirochaeta2 and Marivivens in O . faveolata and SAR202_clade and Nitrospira in M . cavernosa . Evidence of SCTLD in the microbial communities was more substantial in S . siderea , where differences in alpha diversity, beta diversity, and functional profiles were observed. In O . faveolata , differences were detected only in the community structure, while M . cavernosa samples showed no significant difference. Several microbial groups were found to have enriched abundances in tissue from SCTLD lesions from S . siderea and O . faveolata , but no dominant bacterial group was detected. Our results contribute to understanding microbial diversity associated with three scleractinian coral species and the shifts in their microbiomes associated with SCTLD in the Mexican Caribbean.