A class of four-dimensional static supersymmetric black hole solutions ofeffective supergravity Lagrangian of IIA superstring compactified on $T^6$ isconstructed by explicitly solving Killing spinor equations (KSEs). Thesesolutions are dyonic black holes parametrized by four charges, with dilaton anddiagonal internal metric components as the only non-zero scalar fields, andpreserve $1 \over 8$ of $N=8$ supersymmetry. The KSEs with onlyNeveu-Schwarz-Neveu-Schwarz charges relate spinors with opposite chirality fromten-dimensional view point, and have identical structures with KSEs oftoroidally compactified heterotic string. We also find a solution with fourRamond-Ramond charges which is U-dual to the solution with fourNeveu-Schwarz-Neveu-Schwarz charges, and corresponds to the intersectingD-brane configuration with two 2-branes and two 4-branes. A configuration withboth Neveu-Schwarz-Neveu-Schwarz charges and Ramond-Ramond charges is alsofound. We show that the configurations T-dual to the above solutions are alsosolutions of the KSEs. The patterns of supersymmetry breaking are studied indetail.