Biomedical data, in particular omics datasets are being generated at an unprecedented rate. This is due to the falling costs of generating experimental data, improved accuracy and better accessibility to different omics platforms such as genomics, proteomics and metabolomics. As a result, the number of deposited datasets in public repositories originating from various omics approaches has increased dramatically in recent years. This increase in public data deposition of omics results is a good starting point, but opens up a series of new challenges. For example the research community must now find more efficient ways for storing, organizing and providing access to biomedical data across platforms. These challenges range from achieving a common representation framework for the datasets and the associated metadata from different omics fields, to the availability of efficient methods, protocols and file formats for data exchange between multiple repositories. Therefore, there is a great need for development of new platforms and applications to make possible to search datasets across different omics fields, making such information accessible to the end-user. In this context, we introduce the Omics Discovery Index (OmicsDI -, an integrated and open source platform facilitating the access and dissemination of omics datasets. OmicsDI provides a unique infrastructure to integrate datasets coming from multiple omics studies, including at present proteomics, genomics and metabolomics, as a distributed resource.