ABSTRACT Apis cerana cerana , a subspecies of eastern honey, Apis cerana , plays a specific role in beekeeping industry and ecosystem in China and other Asian countries. Larvae of A. c. cerana can be infected by Ascosphaera apis , the fungal pathogen of chalkbrood. In this article, normal 4-, 5-, and 6-day-old larval guts (AcCK1, AcCK2, AcCK3) and A. apis -infected 4-, 5- and 6-day-old larval guts (AcT1, AcT2, AcT3) of A. c. cerana workers were respectively harvested followed by DNA isolation, bisulfite conversion, cDNA library construction and Illumina sequencing. Based on genome-wide bisulfite sequencing, 79167210, 82175052, 79331489, 81051009, 74742842 and 74849091 raw reads were generated from AcCK1, AcCK2, AcCK3, AcT1, AcT2 and AcT3, and after quality control, 73417030 (92.73%), 76660370 (93.27%), 71804727 (90.44%), 75046507 (92.82%), 67487782 (90.30%) and 67367023 (90.04%) clean reads were obtained, respectively. Additionally, 73333333, 76533333, 71466667, 75066667, 67590965 and 67200000 clean reads were mapped to the reference genome of A. cerana , including 54656767, 58583415, 54127407, 57943220, 52547867 and 51295824 unique mapped clean reads, and 8624392, 8789458, 7531333, 7747337, 6249679 and 5394174 multiple mapped clean reads. The genome-wide bisulfite sequencing data reported here can be used for genome-wide identification of 5mC methylation sites in eastern honeybee larval guts and systematic investigation of DNA methylation-mediated host response to A. apis infection. Value of the data The current dataset contributes to genome-wide identification of 5mC methylation sites in normal and A. apis -infected larval guts of eastern honeybee. The reported data could be used for systematic investigation of DNA methylation-mediated response of eastern honeybee larvae to A. apis infection. Our data offers a valuable genetic resource for better understanding epigenetic regulation mechanism involved in eastern honeybee larvae- A. apis interaction.