Abstract Background Identifying the genetic architecture of complex traits requires access to populations with sufficient genetic diversity and recombination. Multi-parent Advanced Generation InterCross (MAGIC) populations are a powerful resource due to their balanced population structure, allelic diversity and enhanced recombination. However, implementing a MAGIC population in complex polyploids such as wheat is not trivial, as wheat harbours many introgressions, inversions and other genetic factors that interfere with linkage mapping. Results By utilising a comprehensive crossing strategy, additional rounds of mixing and novel genotype calling approaches, we developed a bread wheat eight parent MAGIC population made up of more than 3000 fully genotyped recombinant inbred lines derived from 2151 distinct crosses, and achieved a dense genetic map covering the complete genome. Further rounds of inter-crossing led to increased recombination in inbred lines, as expected. The comprehensive and novel approaches taken in the development and analysis of this population provide a platform for genetic discovery in bread wheat. We identify previously unreported structural variation highlighted by segregation distortion, along with the identification of epistatic allelic interactions between specific founders. We demonstrate the ability to conduct high resolution QTL mapping using the number of recombination events as a trait, and identify several significant QTLs explaining greater than 50% of the variance. Conclusions We report on a novel and effective resource for genomic and trait exploration in hexaploid wheat, that can be used to detect small genetic effects and epistatic interactions due to the high level of recombination and large number of lines. The interactions and genetic effects identified provide a basis for ongoing research to understand the basis of allelic frequencies across the genome, particularly where economically important loci are involved.