Abstract Targeting specifics subsets of peripheral pathways of the autonomic nervous system will enable new avenues to study organ control and develop new disease therapies. Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) has shown many therapeutic benefits but current approaches involve imprecise electrical stimulation that gives rise to adverse effects, and the functionally relevant pathways are poorly understood. One method to overcome these limitations is the use of optogenetic techniques, which facilitate highly specific neural communication with light-sensitive actuators (opsins). Opsins can be targeted to cell populations of interest based on the location of viral delivery and genetic control of expression. Here, we tested whether holographic photostimulation of subsets of axons of the cervical vagus nerve that innervate the heart can be used to modulate cardiac function. Viral injection of retrograde adeno-associated virus (rAAV2-retro) in the heart resulted in robust, primarily afferent, opsin reporter expression in the vagus nerve, nodose ganglion, and brainstem. Selective holographic photostimulation of axons resulted in changes in heart rate, surface cardiac electrogram, and respiratory responses that were different from responses elicited by whole nerve photostimulation.