Photosynthesis is the only yield-related trait that has not yet been substantially improved by plant breeding. The limited results of previous attempts to increase yield via improvement of photosynthetic pathways suggest that more knowledge is still needed to achieve this goal. To learn more about the genetic and physiological basis of high photosynthetic light-use efficiency (LUE) at high irradiance, we study Hirschfeldia incana. Here, we compare the transcriptomic response to high light of H. incana with that of three other members of the Brassicaceae, Arabidopsis thaliana, Brassica rapa, and Brassica nigra, which have a lower photosynthetic LUE. First, we built a high-light, high-uniformity growing environment in a climate-controlled room. Plants grown in this system developed normally and showed no signs of stress during the whole growth period. Then we compared gene expression in low and high-light conditions across the four species, utilizing a panproteome to group homologous proteins efficiently. As expected, all species actively regulate genes related to the photosynthetic process. An in-depth analysis on the expression of genes involved in three key photosynthetic pathways revealed a general trend of lower gene expression in high-light conditions. However, H. incana distinguishes itself from the other species through higher expression of certain genes in these pathways, either through constitutive higher expression, as for LHCB8, ordinary differential expression, as for PSBE, or cumulative higher expression obtained by simultaneous expression of multiple gene copies, as seen for LHCA6. These differentially expressed genes in photosynthetic pathways are interesting leads to further investigate the exact relationship between gene expression, protein abundance and turnover, and ultimately the LUE phenotype. In addition, we can also exclude thousands of genes from "explaining" the phenotype, because they do not show differential expression between both light conditions. Finally, we deliver a transcriptomic resource of plant species fully grown under, rather than briefly exposed to, a very high irradiance, supporting efforts to develop highly efficient photosynthesis in crop plants.