Abstract Somatic structural variants (SVs) are widespread in cancer genomes, however, their impact on tumorigenesis and intra-tumour heterogeneity is incompletely understood, since methods to functionally characterize the broad spectrum of SVs arising in cancerous single-cells are lacking. We present a computational method, scNOVA, that couples SV discovery with nucleosome occupancy analysis by haplotype-resolved single-cell sequencing, to systematically uncover SV effects on cis -regulatory elements and gene activity. Application to leukemias and cell lines uncovered SV outcomes at several loci, including dysregulated cancer-related pathways and mono-allelic oncogene expression near SV breakpoints. At the intra-patient level, we identified different yet overlapping subclonal SVs that converge on aberrant Wnt signaling. We also deconvoluted the effects of catastrophic chromosomal rearrangements resulting in oncogenic transcription factor dysregulation. scNOVA directly links SVs to their functional consequences, opening the door for single-cell multiomics of SVs in heterogeneous cell populations.