Supersymmetric microstate geometries with five non-compact dimensions haverecently been shown by Eperon, Reall, and Santos (ERS) to exhibit a non-linearinstability featuring the growth of excitations at an "evanescent ergosurface"of infinite redshift. We argue that this growth may be treated as adiabaticevolution along a family of exactly supersymmetric solutions in the limit wherethe excitations are Aichelburg-Sexl-like shockwaves. In the 2-charge systemsuch solutions may be constructed explicitly, incorporating full backreaction,and are in fact special cases of known microstate geometries. In a near-horizonlimit, they reduce to Aichelburg-Sexl shockwaves in $AdS_3 \times S^3$propagating along one of the angular directions of the sphere. Noting that theERS analysis is valid in the limit of large microstate angular momentum $j$, weuse the above identification to interpret their instability as a transitionfrom rare smooth microstates with large angular momentum to more typicalmicrostates with smaller angular momentum. This entropic driving terminateswhen the angular momentum decreases to $j \sim \sqrt{n_1n_5}$ where the densityof microstates is maximal. We argue that, at this point, the large stringycorrections to such microstates will render them non-linearly stable. Weidentify a possible mechanism for this stabilization and detail an illustrativetoy model.