Road information extraction based on aerial images is a critical task for many applications, and it has attracted considerable attention from researchers in the field of remote sensing. The problem is mainly composed of two subtasks, namely, road detection and centerline extraction. Most of the previous studies rely on multistage-based learning methods to solve the problem. However, these approaches may suffer from the well-known problem of propagation errors. In this paper, we propose a novel deep learning model, recurrent convolution neural network U-Net (RCNN-UNet), to tackle the aforementioned problem. Our proposed RCNN-UNet has three distinct advantages. First, the end-to-end deep learning scheme eliminates the propagation errors. Second, a carefully designed RCNN unit is leveraged to build our deep learning architecture, which can better exploit the spatial context and the rich low-level visual features. Thereby, it alleviates the detection problems caused by noises, occlusions, and complex backgrounds of roads. Third, as the tasks of road detection and centerline extraction are strongly correlated, a multitask learning scheme is designed so that two predictors can be simultaneously trained to improve both effectiveness and efficiency. Extensive experiments were carried out based on two publicly available benchmark data sets, and nine state-of-the-art baselines were used in a comparative evaluation. Our experimental results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed RCNN-UNet model for both the road detection and the centerline extraction tasks.