We consider the production of a light non-standard model Higgs boson of order$100~\GEV$ with an associated $W$ boson at CERN Large Hadron Collider. We focuson an interesting scenario that, the Higgs boson decays predominately into twolight scalars $\chi$ with mass of few GeV which sequently decay into fourgluons, i.e. $h\to 2\chi \to 4g$. Since $\chi$ is much lighter than the Higgsboson, it will be highly boosted and its decay products, the two gluons, willmove close to each other, resulting in a single jet for $\chi$ decay in thedetector. By using electromagnetic calorimeter-based and jet substructureanalyses, we show in two cases of different $\chi$ masses that it is quitepromising to extract the signal of Higgs boson out of large QCD background.