ABSTRACT Inherited defects in base-excision repair (BER) predispose to adenomatous polyposis and colorectal cancer (CRC), yet our understanding of this important DNA repair pathway remains incomplete. By combining detailed clinical, histological and molecular profiling, we reveal biallelic germline loss-of-function (LOF) variants in the BER gene MBD4 to predispose to adenomatous polyposis and –uniquely amongst CRC predisposition syndromes– to myeloid neoplasms. Neoplasms from MBD4-deficient patients almost exclusively accumulate somatic CpG>TpG mutations, resembling mutational signature SBS1. MBD4-deficient adenomas harbour mutations in known CRC driver genes, although AMER1 mutations were more common and KRAS mutations less frequent. We did not find an increased risk for colorectal tumours in individuals with a monoallelic MBD4 LOF variant. We suggest that this condition should be termed MBD4 -associated neoplasia syndrome (MANS) and that MBD4 is included in testing for the genetic diagnosis of polyposis and/or early-onset AML.