Marginalized groups in Manitoba, Canada, especially females and people who inject drugs, are overrepresented in new HIV diagnoses and disproportionately affected by HIV and structural disadvantages. Informed by syndemic theory, our aim was to understand people living with HIV's (PLHIV) gendered and intersecting barriers and facilitators across the cascade of HIV care before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study was co-designed and co-led alongside people with lived experience and a research advisory committee. We employed semi-structured interviews with thirty-two participants and three questionnaires. Interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed, and coded, and descriptive statistics were performed on the first two questionnaires. Qualitative data analysis used thematic analysis and focused on identifying categories (individual, healthcare, and social/structural) related to the barriers and facilitators to HIV care. A total of 32 PLHIV completed this study and over 70% of females and 50% of males reported severe and moderate sexual abuse among other traumatic childhood experiences. Barriers to accessing or continuing in the cascade of HIV care included navigating the initial shock of receiving an HIV diagnosis, mental health challenges and inaccessible supports, substance use, violence (including intimate partner), internalized and enacted compounded stigma related to houselessness and substance use, discrimination by primary care service providers and social networks, lack of preventative and social supports, lack of accessible housing, and programmatic issues. COVID-19 increased mental health problems and disrupted relationships with HIV service providers and peers living with HIV. Facilitators to HIV care included stopping substance use, caring service providers particularly during HIV diagnosis, welcoming healthcare environments, social opportunities and integrated supports, and supportive social networks. Women, men, and non-binary PLHIV experience interconnected factors complicating their experiences with HIV care. Interventions should consider holistic, person-centered, and trauma-informed care options to address the barriers found in this research and appropriately serve PLHIV.