Early-life stress is known to impair neurodevelopment. Prior work from our group showed that prolonged physical and emotional separation necessitated by the medical needs of preterm infants (born <37 weeks) is associated with lower electroencephalogram (EEG) power in frontal areas, and that trend can be reversed by an intervention that enhances the physical and emotional contact between preterm infant and mother. Here we sought to model the changes in preterm infant frontal EEG power in a rodent model. We examined effects of daily maternal separation (MS) on frontal cortex electrophysiological (electrocorticography [EcoG]) activity in neonatal rats. We also explored the effects of dam-pup behavioral interactions on EcoG activity. From postnatal days (P) 2-10, rat pups were separated daily from their dam and isolated from their littermates for 3 hours. Control rats were normally reared. On P10, pups were implanted with telemetry devices and an electrode placed on the left frontal dura. EcoG activity was recorded during daily sessions over the next four days while pups remained in the home cage, as well as in response to a pup-dam isolation-reunion paradigm at P12. EcoG power was computed in 1 Hz frequency bins between 1-100 Hz. Dam and pup behavioral interactions during recording sessions were coded and synchronized to EcoG data. MS pups showed lower EcoG power during dam-pup interactions. These data parallel human and provide evidence of lower fronto-cortical activity as an early marker of early-life stress and possible mechanism for long-term effects of maternal separation on neurobehavioral development.