Adult neurogenesis persists in mammals in the neurogenic zones where newborn neurons are incorporated into existing neuronal circuits. Relevant molecular elements of the neurogenic niches include the family of Cell Adhesion Molecules (CAM), which participate in signal transduction and regulate radial glial progenitor's (RGPs) survival, division and differentiation. The Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule 2 (NCAM2) is expressed in brain development and in adult stages, and controls dendrite arborisation and synaptic formation and maintenance during development. Nevertheless, the role of NCAM2 in neurogenesis and lineage progression is not well understood. Here we analyse the functions of NCAM2 in the regulation of RGPs in adult neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus and during corticogenesis, by using different lentiviral-mediated genetic approaches to modulate its expression, both in vivo and in vitro. First, we characterized the expression of NCAM2 among the main actors of the neurogenic process revealing different levels of NCAM2 amid the progression of RGPs and the formation of juvenile neurons. Further, we show that overexpression of NCAM2 arrest infected cells in a RGP-like state, with characteristic morphological, immunocytochemical and electron microscopy features. In contrast, NCAM2 overexpression in embryonic cortical progenitors does not seems to alter cell fate, but causes transient migration deficits. These results reveal a differential role of NCAM2 in the regulation of adult and embryonic RGPs, and specifically, a significant implication of NCAM2 in the regulation and progression of RGPs during adult neurogenesis in the hippocampus.