Abstract It is well attested that people predict forthcoming information during language comprehension. The literature presents different proposals on how this ability could be implemented. Here, we tested the hypothesis according to which language production mechanisms have a role in such predictive processing. To this aim, we studied two electroencephalographic correlates of predictability during speech comprehension ‒ pretarget alpha‒beta (8-30 Hz) power decrease and the post-target N400 event-related potential (ERP) effect, ‒ in a population with impaired speech-motor control, i.e., adults who stutter (AWS), compared to typically fluent adults (TFA). Participants listened to sentences that could either constrain towards a target word or not, allowing or not to make predictions. We analyzed time-frequency modulations in a silent interval preceding the target and ERPs at the presentation of the target. Results showed that, compared to TFA, AWS display: i) a widespread and bilateral reduced power decrease in posterior temporal and parietal regions, and a power increase in anterior regions, especially in the left hemisphere (high vs . low constraining) and ii) a reduced N400 effect (non-predictable vs . predictable). The results suggest a reduced efficiency in generating predictions in AWS with respect to TFA. Additionally, the magnitude of the N400 effect in AWS is correlated with alpha power change in the right pre-motor and supplementary motor cortex, a key node in the dysfunctional network in stuttering. Overall, the results support the idea that processes and neural structures prominently devoted to speech planning and execution support prediction during language comprehension. Significance Statement The study contributes to the developing enterprise of investigating language production and comprehension not as separate systems, but as sets of processes which may be partly shared. We showed that a population with impaired speech-motor control, i.e., adults who stutter, are characterized by atypical electrophysiological patterns associated with prediction in speech comprehension. The results highlight that an underlying atypical function of neural structures supporting speech production also affects processes deployed during auditory comprehension. The implications are twofold: on the theoretical side, the study supports the need for a more integrated view of language comprehension and production as human capabilities, while on the applied and clinical side, these results might open new venues for efficient treatments of developmental stuttering.