Cyclic voltammetry reveals an extended mode of reward-predictive dopamine signalling in the striatum as rats navigate; signals increase as the rats approach distant rewards, instead of showing phasic or steady tonic activity, and the increases scale flexibly with the distance and size of the rewards. It has been suggested that when animals perform simple stimulus–response tasks, the phasic activity observed the in dopaminergic midbrain represents an expectation of immediately upcoming rewards. Ann Graybiel and colleagues now demonstrate a different form of reward-related dopamine signalling in the striatum. Using cyclic voltammetry, they observe prolonged dopamine signals in animals navigating mazes to obtain rewards. These responses steadily ramp up as animals approach their goals, and scale with both the distance and size of the rewards. These signals may represent motivational drive, and provide insight into the role of dopamine during extended goal-directed actions. Predictions about future rewarding events have a powerful influence on behaviour. The phasic spike activity of dopamine-containing neurons, and corresponding dopamine transients in the striatum, are thought to underlie these predictions, encoding positive and negative reward prediction errors1,2,3,4,5. However, many behaviours are directed towards distant goals, for which transient signals may fail to provide sustained drive. Here we report an extended mode of reward-predictive dopamine signalling in the striatum that emerged as rats moved towards distant goals. These dopamine signals, which were detected with fast-scan cyclic voltammetry (FSCV), gradually increased or—in rare instances—decreased as the animals navigated mazes to reach remote rewards, rather than having phasic or steady tonic profiles. These dopamine increases (ramps) scaled flexibly with both the distance and size of the rewards. During learning, these dopamine signals showed spatial preferences for goals in different locations and readily changed in magnitude to reflect changing values of the distant rewards. Such prolonged dopamine signalling could provide sustained motivational drive, a control mechanism that may be important for normal behaviour and that can be impaired in a range of neurologic and neuropsychiatric disorders.