We propose general relations between the conformal anomaly and the chiral(R-symmetry and gravitational) anomaly coefficients in 6d (1,0) superconformaltheories. The suggested expressions for the three type B conformal anomalyc-coefficients complement the expression for the type A anomaly a-coefficientfound in arXiv:1506.03807. We check them on several examples -- the standard(1,0) hyper and tensor multiplets as well as some higher derivative shortmultiplets containing vector fields that generalize the superconformal 6dvector multiplet discussed in arXiv:1506.08727. We also consider a family ofhigher derivative superconformal (2,0) 6d multiplets associated to 7dmultiplets in the KK spectrum of 11d supergravity compactified on S^4. Inparticular, we prove that (2,0) 6d conformal supergravity coupled to 26 tensormultiplets is free of all chiral and conformal anomalies. We discuss someinteracting (1,0) superconformal theories, predicting the c-coefficients forthe "E-string" theory on multiple M5-branes at E_8 9-brane and for the theorydescribing M5-branes at an orbifold singularity. Finally, we elaborate onholographic computation of subleading corrections to conformal anomalycoefficients coming from R^2+R^3 terms in 7d effective action, revisiting, inparticular, the (2,0) theory case.