DRR Dhan 71 [IET 29421 (RP 6324-123-14-4-1)], an aerobic rice variety was developed from CR 691-1 × CR Dhan 202. It was evaluated in AICRIP multi-location aerobic rice trials during wet seasons of 2020 to 2022. Consistently outperforming the check varieties in Odisha, Gujarat, and Tamil Nadu, DRR Dhan 71 achieved a mean grain yield of 4870 kg/ha. This yield superiority is evident with a significant increase over the national check (20%), zonal check (38%), and local check (28%). In addition, it exhibited moderate resistance to leaf blast, neck blast, sheath rot, brown spot, rice tungro, sheath blight, plant hoppers, stem borer, gall midge and leaf folder. DRR Dhan 71 has a duration of 120 days (seed to seed) and possesses desirable grain and cooking quality parameters. It was released for cultivation in aerobic ecosystems of Odisha, Gujarat and Tamil Nadu states through Central Sub-committee on Crop Standards, Notification and Release of Varieties for Agricultural Crops vide S.O. 1560(E) dated March 26, 2024 [CG-DL-E-28032024-253429].