Large scale monitoring of neural activity at the single unit level can be achieved via electrophysiological recording using implanted microelectrodes. While neuroscience researchers have widely employed chronically implanted electrode-based interfaces for this purpose, a commonly encountered limitation is loss of highly resolved signals arising from immunological response over time. Next generation electrode-based interfaces improve longitudinal signal quality using the strategy of stabilizing the device-tissue interface with microelectrode arrays constructed from soft and flexible polymer materials. The limited availability of such polymer microelectrode arrays has restricted access to a small number of researchers able to build their own custom devices or who have developed specific collaborations with engineering researchers who can produce them. Here, a new technology resource model is introduced that seeks to widely increase access to polymer microelectrode arrays by the neuroscience research community. The Polymer Implantable Electrode (PIE) Foundry provides custom and standardized polymer microelectrode arrays as well as training and guidance on best-practices for implantation and chronic experiments.