We study LHC signatures of displaced vertices and long-lived chargedparticles within the context of the Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric StandardModel with right-handed (RH) sneutrinos. In this construction the RH neutrinocan be produced directly from Higgs decays or in association with a RHsneutrino when the latter is the lightest supersymmetric particle. The RHneutrino is generally long-lived, since its decay width is proportional to theneutrino Yukawa, a parameter which is predicted to be small. The RH neutrinolate decay can therefore give rise to displaced vertices at the LHC, which canbe identified through the decay products, which involve two leptons (2l+ MET)or a lepton with two jets (ljj). We simulate this signal for the current LHCconfiguration (a centre of mass of 8 TeV and an integrated luminosity of L=20fb^-1), and a future one (13 TeV and L=100 fb^-1). We show that a region of theparameter space of this model can be probed and that the RH neutrino mass canbe reconstructed from the end-point of the two-lepton invariant massdistribution or the central value of the mass distribution for two jets plusone lepton. Another exotic signature of this construction is the production ofa long-lived stau. If the stau is the next-to-lightest supersymmetric particle,it can decay through diagrams involving the small neutrino Yukawa, and wouldescape the detector leaving a characteristic trail. We also simulate thissignal for various benchmark points and show that the model can be within thereach of the future run of the LHC.