We compute the leading logarithmic correction to black hole entropy on thenon-BPS branch of 4D ${\cal N}\geq 2$ supergravity theories. This branchcorresponds to finite temperature black holes whose extremal limit does notpreserve supersymmetry, such as the $D0-D6$ system in string theory. Startingfrom a black hole in minimal Kaluza-Klein theory, we discuss in detail itsembedding into ${\cal N}=8, 6, 4, 2$ supergravity, its spectrum of quadraticfluctuations in all these environments, and the resulting quantum corrections.We find that the $c$-anomaly vanishes only when ${\cal N}\geq 6$, in contrastto the BPS branch where $c$ vanishes for all ${\cal N}\geq 2$. We brieflydiscuss potential repercussions this feature could have in a microscopicdescription of these black holes.